Should I or shouldn't I. . .

In January, I saw a posting on craigslist for the perfect job for me. Part-time, organizing lesson plans for volunteers teaching ESL to refugees and immigrants. It paid reasonably well, and many of the hours were flexible (eight were set, but in the evening). It would be a great professional experience. I applied and interviewed, but didn't get it.

Tonight the woman I interviewed with emailed me and asked if I wanted to be considered for an identical position that is currently open.

I kind of want it. I kind of don't. I have two kids I babysit part-time, different families. One of them I could probably keep, but the other I couldn't, and I know they were having a hard time finding someone. I know they would understand but I would still feel bad.

We don't *need* the money, but there are always things it could be used for. Downpayment on a house, for one.

It's time away from my kids, but not a lot, and it would be very stimulating/challenging/rewarding for me.

On the other hand, we really don't know what John's work schedule is going to be like. He just got assigned e.bay as a client, and he could be very very busy. Do we really need the stress of me trying to work?

I don't know what to do!!!!

You know, I probably won't be offered the job (I know when I interviewed, I was told they really wanted someone with a master's degree. . . makes it easier to get grants) and then I won't have to worry about it anyway.


Anonymous said…
In these sorts of situations I reserve my decision until the last possible moment.
Not that that is particularly helpful advice. :)

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