And they didn't even make me go through customs!

In an effort to help Kate recruit teachers to fill all the empty slots at our school, I contacted an old instructor (who remembered me, yeah!) and asked her to send the job announcement to students and new graduates who fit the requirements. She was happy to help. Yesterday, I received an application - which right there tells you that she didn't read very carefully, because the instructions clearly indicated that inquiries and application materials were to be sent to Kate.

In her cover letter, she stated that she is majoring in Geography/Global Studies, with minors in TESOL and International Development. Ok, so far so good. Then she wrote, "I have studied abroad in Hawaii, Country A, Country B, and Foreign City A."

A geography major is claims to have studied abroad in Hawaii. Heck no.


Ariana said…, does BYU get their diplomas from 7-11 now? I somehow am guessing the applicant was from Utah. That way anything east of Vernal is "abroad". hehehe
Anonymous said…
Celeste needs a man around due to abuse she suffered at the hands of her father
Anonymous said…
sorry : (

wrong blog.
Ariana said…
I just tagged you...see my blog for details. :)

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