I've decided to resurrect this blog. It's been a lot of things over the years - a simple journal, a hodgepodge of memories, a collection of my work stories. Lately, though, I need a place to write about my sleep habits, and where better than a blog with this name?

Four years ago this month, I had my first tonic-clonic seizure. It led to me being diagnosed with epilepsy, and trying out a series of anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs), in varying dosages and with varying side effects. Sleep hasn't been the same since. Add in four kids, the occasional job (usually part-time, but not always), a global pandemic, and well, sleep quality is not something I can brag about.

I've  tried a new mattress. A couple of different pillows. A body pillow. A silk pillowcase. Melatonin. I'm not supposed to take sleeping pills like Unisom, because of my epilepsy, but sometimes I get desperate and take one anyway. They leave me groggy well into mid-morning the next day. Sleep deprivation is a common trigger for people with epilepsy; I know it's one of mine. Life has become a constant balancing act between enough rest to not have a seizure, and getting enough done to not have my household fall apart.

But I want more. I want more stamina, more energy. I want to be able to work full time, if I choose. So I'm going to challenge myself. I'm going to improve my sleep hygiene. I've always heard it takes 21 days to make a habit, so I'll focus on one habit for three weeks. First up - I'm really, truly going to stay out of bed.

Challenge starts tomorrow.


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