I made it. I made it all day yesterday without lounging in bed. For me, that's a huge victory. I did take a nap on the loveseat by the cozy fire my husband had going, but that's okay. This current three-week challenge is ONLY about staying off my bed during the day.

Today, I didn't get up the second I woke up, which was probably technically against the "rules" of my self-imposed challenge. Then again, I didn't read, look at my phone, or watch TV either, so I'm going to let it go. I just sort of laid in bed in that half-asleep state for a bit. It IS Sunday morning, after all.

I'm up now though. Up for the day. Not going to lay on the bed next to my husband for a Sunday afternoon nap. Not going to watch anything on Netflix this afternoon while snuggled in my duvet. I'm going to create new, healthy habits.



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