It's the first official day of my self-imposed "sleep hygiene challenge. First step: 21 days of not using my bed for anything but sleep or sex. No reading in bed, no browsing social media, no watching Netflix. For someone who has developed a bad pandemic habit of lounging in bed and doing all of the above, plus having long debates with my husband while lying in bed, this will be HARD. 

But it's got to stop. All the sleep experts say that associating your bed with all these other activities makes falling asleep harder. So today, I slept in a little (because it's Saturday, and also, I'm being gentle with myself) but since I got up, I haven't even sat on my bed. I got up and had breakfast, and went to my church to clean it (we all take turns helping to clean, and it was my family's turn to pitch in). Now we're home, and there's the usual Saturday "stuff" awaiting me: chores, shopping, planning, family time. 

But, I'm not laying on that bed until at least. . . 9:30 tonight. By then, I'll probably be ready for an early bedtime. So that seems reasonable.

We'll see how it goes.


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